Tourism Recovery Co-Financing Scheme (TRCS)

The Tourism Recovery Co-Financing Scheme (TRCS) is a part of the support for the implementation of the " Strategic Framework and Program for Economic Recovery in the context of Living with Covid-19 in the New Normal 2021-2023".

To promote tourism recovery, the Royal Government has decided to implement this scheme to address the lack of financing support for tourism-related businesses.

TRCS will support: (a) re-operating the business, (b) improving and modernizing, and (c) strengthening and diversifying tourism services to prepare for national and international tourists in the post-covid-19 crisis.

TRCS's coverage sector: (1) Hotels, (2) Guesthouses, (3) Restaurants, (4) Supply of products and services supporting tourism sector.


Financing Size :Up to 2,400 million Riels or 600,000 US Dollars
Purpose :Capital Expenditure or Working Capital
Financing Term :Up to 8 years
Currency :KHR and USD
Interest Rate :6.50% p.a

Participating financial institutions