Supervisor, Finance and Reporting (1post)

Job Description
  • Check all expense and payment documents properly before payment made;
  • Input all bank transactions occur into core banking system properly and in timely manner;
  • Check and follow up advance transactions;
  • Perform monthly account reconciliation of cash, bank, fixed asset, loan, deposit, advance and prepayment, and payable to confirm the accuracy of its balance;
  • Assist to prepare regulatory report to NBC;
  • Prepare document for pre-audit to internal auditor and external auditor per request;
  • Involve with user accepted test (UAT) in system for Bank’s product and service;
  • File supporting document in chronological order and safety; and
  • Do other tasks as assigned by management
Other Benefit
  • 13th month salary
  • Incentive
  • Annual bonus
  • Seniority Pay
  • Training
  • Health and life insurance

Registration guide

Interesting applicants with potential shall include your latest updated cover letter mentioning interested position attached with your lates 4*6 photo via: