Head, Operations & Administrations (1post)

Job Description
  • Managed all aspects of centralized operations; including card operations, credit operations, remittance & transfer operations, and others;
  • Design, develop and keep updated the Banks’ Operations Manual, non-credit products policies, and ensure compliance to all operational guidelines, processes and procedures;
  • Establish and review key control standards and formulate action plans to minimize the Bank’s exposure to fraud and losses;
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements relating to banking operations;
  • Ensure that effective documentation is in place, in the form of user guides and implement operational improvements to reduce operational costs, tighten controls, and improve service quality and customer service;
  • Verify and assure that all daily functions of the operations and administration department are performed accurately and in a timely manner;
  • Derive greater productivity and cost efficiency across all operational processes; including the review for process automation;
  • General administration functions including premises maintenance, security, fixed assets controls, office cleaning, stock and stationeries for HO, arrange banking vehicles, and other services;
  • Create a strong workforce by developing competent individuals in the banking operations team;
  • Provides all trainings to head of branches operation/branch operation officers for new recruitments and continue trainings for all bank policies;
  • Coordinate projects as assigned by COO;
  • Perform other related duties as assigned by COO or requested.

Knowledge & Experiences

  • At least Master’s degree or greater in business, accounting or finance and banking is desirable;
  • At least 10 years of professional experiences in the banking operations with at least 5 years in a management role in operations management within a commercial bank or MFI;
  • Understand about vision, mission, core values, regulations, and other principles of SME Bank of Cambodia;

Skills & Abilities

  • Be a good team player with a sense of responsibility and adaptability;
  • Good computer literate (MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Email and Internet);
  • High proficiency in English knowledge;
  • Strong analytical, interpersonal, communication and influencing skills
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks and complexities as per a number of different projects will be implemented at the same time;
  • Ability to use initiative, prioritize, multi-task, and work well under pressure to meet deadlines;
  • Ability to delegate effectively amongst teams and show commitment to the long-term development of the management team through coaching and mentoring
  • Ability to develop the banking operations policies and procedures and translate to actions.


  • Be a Cambodia citizen with a strong background in Banking and Financial Management;
  • Be high integrity, accountability, and commitment;
  • Be respectful;
  • Demonstrate sound professional ethic.
Other Benefit
  • 13th month salary
  • Incentive
  • Annual bonus
  • Seniority Pay
  • Training
  • Health and life insurance

Registration guide

Interesting applicants with potential shall include your latest updated cover letter mentioning interested position attached with your lates 4*6 photo via: recruitment@smebankcambodia.com.kh